Rene's VIDEOPAC page....
G7400 logo

For the latest Videopac and Odyssey2 news and information,
check the VIDEOPAC forum @

G7400 system Updates

* 10 March 2024: website moved to new domain. (Thanks Gerko)
* 23 June 2014: updated the New Releases section again.
* 28 October 2012: updated the New Releases section.
* 14 August 2010: some new pictures of my collection.
* 29 November 2009: yet another update of the pictures of my collection.
* 27 July 2009: moved entire website to a different provider.
* 9 November 2008: some new pictures of my collection again.
* 10 October 2008: added links for still available new releases.
* 13 February 2008: moved some files to a larger server. (thanks David!)
* 4 November 2007: new pictures of my collection.
* 2 September 2007: has disappeared mysteriously, but there's a new forum at
* 7 July 2007: new Videopac game download zip file. (see below)
* 30 September 2006: new e-mail address. (see below)
* 10 March 2006: added files with technical info.
* 9 March 2006: added websites of Videopac collectors.
* 17 December 2005: new pictures of my collection.


* Videopac / Odyssey2 forum For the latest Videopac and Odyssey2 news, check this forum!
* The Odyssey2 Homepage! Homepage for the Odyssey2 and Videopac.
* O2EM Odyssey2 - Videopac+ emulator An Odyssey2 and G7400 emulator for your PC. (for ROM files: see below.)
* Dan B's Odyssey2 Tech page More technical information about the Odyssey2.

Websites of other Videopac/Odyssey2 collectors

* Classic Consoles Center
* Phosphor Dot Fossils Odyssey2 Archive
* Home of the Philips G7000
* Videopac website of Lilian & Robbert


Take a look at my Videopac Collection.

You can download the Videopac, Odyssey2 and Jopac games from "My Collection" here. This .zip file contains 220 games and is 765 kB. Click here to view the complete list of the games. After unzipping, you can use these files (ROM images) for the O2 emulator or for burning your own EPROM's.


Pong gamePong intro screenThis is the first Videopac/Odyssey2 game I've written: a simple version of Pong. It is Voice enhanced. For a higher ball speed, press 2 during the game (not at the Select Game screen). Press 1 to return to normal speed. Keep the Action button pressed for a higher speed of the player.

An enhanced version with 11 variations of Pong is now available as a cartridge at Packrat Video Games. It includes "Pong-classic" and "Pong-analog".
Also available at Packrat: Calculator. A program I've written to turn your Videopac or Odyssey2 console into a real calculator.

If you're interested in technical information about the Videopac computer or want to write your own game, I've collected some info on this page.

New Releases

Check the following websites for new Videopac/Odyssey2 releases that are still available:
- Packrat Video Games
- Videopac is @live
- New Releases section @ Forum

My Videopac/Odyssey Want List


* Japanese Odyssey2 games (except 9404, 9408, 9410, 9416, 9420, 9436, 9437)


* Commander ROM (Germany) 1-82, 1-83, 2-83
* Club G7000 Videospiele (Austria) 1-82 to 4-84 (11)


* Videopac/Odyssey2 Test cartridges for service engineers
* Prototype cartridges/modules/consoles

Last updated: 10 March 2024