VIDEOPAC tech info
If you're interested in programming games for the Videopac / Odyssey2, check these sites first:

* Soeren Gust's homepage (Internet archive)
* Dan B's Odyssey2 Tech page

More info about the 8048 microcontroller and the videochip can be found here: Grokking the MCS-48 System

Here are some files which I use a lot when writing Videopac programs, some files are copied from the above mentioned websites.

o2romsrc.txt This file contains a dump of the internal ROM of the 8048 microcontroller, and an explanation of the routines. I've made some corrections to the original file.
8048ins.txt Instruction set of the 8048
vdc.txt A summary of the function of the registers of the Video Display Controller chip.
voice-sounds.txt A list of the sounds inside the Voice module and the Sid the Spellbinder cartridge.
g7000_symbols.gif An overview of the available characters in the VDC chip.
int8048.pdf Datasheet of the Intel 8048 microcontroller.
sp0256.pdf Datasheet of the speech chip inside the Voice module, with an explanation about allophones.
sp0256b.pdf Alternative datasheet of the SP0256 speech chip, with more technical details.
ef9340_9341.pdf Datasheet of the Plus graphics chipset of the G7400.
g7000_1.jpg Circuit diagram of the Videopac G7000 part 1.
g7000_2.jpg Circuit diagram of the Videopac G7000 part 2.
g7400_1.jpg Circuit diagram of the Videopac G7400 part 1.
g7400_2.jpg Circuit diagram of the Videopac G7400 part 2.
g7400_3.jpg Circuit diagram of the Videopac G7400 part 3.
g7400_4.jpg Overview of the timing of the signals inside the G7400.
